Research Projects
Title: «Development of sound-insulated piping based on sustainable solutions» 0 DELEBS PIPE («Desarrollo de tuberías insonorizadas en base a soluciones sostenibles»). CPP2022-009857
- Project funding: Public-Private Collaboration Projects within the Framework of the State Program to Promote Scientific-Technical Research and its Transfer (2021-2023). Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, Agencia Estatal de Investigacion, and European Union NextGeneration.
- Partners: UVA, CellMat Technologies S. L. and ABN Pipe Systems S. L. U.
- Period: From 2023 to 2026
Title: «Sustainable air ducts for the automotive industry» ARDUA («Conductos de aire sostenibles para la industria de la automoción»). CPP2021-008910
- Project funding: Public-Private Collaboration Projects within the Framework of the State Program to Promote Scientific-Technical Research and its Transfer (2021-2023). Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, Agencia Estatal de Investigacion, and European Union NextGeneration.
- Partners: UVA, CellMat Technologies S. L. and Industrias Tecnicas de la Espuma S. L. U.
- Period: From 2022 to 2025
Title: «Development of super thermal insulation materials based on nanocellular polymers and infrared blockers» SUPERINSUBLOCK. PID2021-126046OB-C22
- Project funding: Knowledge Generation Projects within the Framework of the State Program to Promote Scientific-Technical Research and its Transfer (2021-2023). Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, Agencia Estatal de Investigacion, and European Union NextGeneration.
- Period: From 2022 to 2025
Title: «Towards the industrial production of transparent polymeric nanocellular materials» INTRANPOLIN. PDC2022-133391-I00
- Project funding: Proof of Concept Projects within the Framework of the State Program to Promote Scientific-Technical Research and its Transfer (2021-2023). Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, Agencia Estatal de Investigacion, and European Union NextGeneration.
- Period: From 2022 to 2023
Title: «Sustainable production of super thermal insulation nanocellular polymers with reduced conductivity by increasing phonon scattering» PHONINSU. TED2021-129419B-C22
- Project funding: Strategic Projects Oriented to the Ecological Transition and Digital Transition (2021-2023). Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, Agencia Estatal de Investigacion, and European Union NextGeneration.
- Period: From 2022 to 2023
Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan
Component 17: Institutional reform and capacity building of the national science, technology and innovation system
Complementary R+D+i Plan in the Area of Advanced Materials
Objective: Consolidating R&D&I activity in the area of Advanced Materials, supporting scientific leadership in strategic lines and promoting collaboration between the participating Autonomous Communities through a research program, through the generation and attraction of talent and through the reinforcement of the existing scientific infrastructures. Promoting synergies between research centers, technology centers and companies to accelerate innovation and technological development.
European Union -Next Generation EU- Recovery and Resilience Facility Funds: 1.800.000€
Castilla and Leon Community funds: 1.200.000 €
Beneficiary: Group of entities, in accordance with articles 11.3 of Law 38/2003, of November 17, General Subsidies for the development of the R+D+I Program in the area of Advanced Materials in Castilla y León
Representative and coordinating entity: UNIVERSITY OF VALLADOLID
Title: «Micronized nanocellular polymers: A new generation of materials to be used as core of advanced thermal insulators based on vacuum insulation panels (VIPs)» («Polímeros nanocelulares micronizados: Una nueva generación de materiales para el core de aislantes térmicos avanzados basados en paneles de vacío (VIP)»). VA-202P20
- Project funding: Junta of Castile and Leon and European Regional Development Fund (Grants from the research project support program)
- Period: From November 2020 to October 2023
Title: «Development of bioplastics based on by-products and agri-food resources» BIOP-AGRO («Desarrollo de bioplásticos basados en subproductos y recursos agroalimentarios»). RTC-2019-006989-5
- Project funding: RETOS COLABORACION Project, Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, European Regional Development Fund.
- Period: From 2020 to 2023
Title: «Reduction of energy consumption in buildings through transparent and thermal insulator nanocellular polymers: production, characterization and process-structure-properties relationship » («Reducción del consumo energético en edificios a través de polímeros nanocelulares transparentes y aislantes térmicos: fabricación, caracterización y relación proceso-estructura-propiedades»).
- Period: From May 2019 to September 2021
Title: «Transparent and thermal insulator nanocellular polymers: production, characterization and process-structure-properties relationship » («Polímeros nanocelulares transparentes y aislantes térmicos: fabricación, caracterización y relación proceso-estructura-propiedades»). RTI2018-098749-B-I00
- Project funding: RETOS INVESTIGACIÓN Project, Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, European Regional Development Fund.
- Period: From January 2019 to December 2021
Title: «Refrigeration pipes with a foamed material in their structure for high thermal insulation circuits» REESTE («Tuberías de refrigeración con material espumado en su estructura para circuitos de alto aislamiento térmico»). RTC-2017-6522-4
- Project funding: RETOS COLABORACION Project, Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, European Regional Development Fund.
- Period: From: October 2018 to September 2020
Title: «Development of piping and union systems with advanced properties» INUPIPE («Desarrollo de sistemas de canalización y sistemas de unión asociados con propiedades avanzadas»). RTC-2017-5871-5
- Project funding: RETOS COLABORACION Project, Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, European Regional Development Fund.
- Period: From: October 2018 to September 2021
Title: «Biorefining processes for obtaining high added value products from lignin» LIGNO PRIZED («Procesos de biorrefino para la obtención de productos de alto valor añadido a partir de lignina»)
- Project funding: CIEN Project, CDTI (Subcontracted by ABN Pipe Systems)
- Period: From October 2016 to September 2020
Title: «New advanced materials for the development of equipments within the water treatment sector» NUMASTA («Nuevos materiales avanzados para el desarrollo de equipos dentro del sector del tratamiento de aguas»). RTC-2016-5285-5
- Project funding: RETOS COLABORACION Project, Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, European Regional Development Fund
- Period: From: September 2016 to August 2018
Title: «Electrochemical sensors based in nanocellular polymers for the analysis of polyphenols of interest in food» («Sensores basados en polímeros nanocelulares para el análisis de polifenoles de interés en alimentación»). VA011U16
- Project funding: Junta of Castile and Leon
- Project funding: Junta of Castile and Leon
- Period: From July 2016 to July 2018
Title: «Development and continuous production of advanced thermal insulating materials based on nanocellular polymers» («Desarrollo y fabricación en continuo de aislantes térmicos avanzados basados en polímeros nanocelulares»). MAT 2015-69234-R
- Project funding: RETOS INVESTIGACION Project, Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, European Regional Development Fund
- Period: From January 2016 to December 2019
Title: «Innovative additives for the production of foams with enhanced thermal insulation properties and better fire behaviour» NEOADFOAM («Aditivos innovadores para espumas con mejores prestaciones de aislamiento térmico y comportamiento frente al fuego»). RTC-2015-3340-3
- Project funding: RETOS COLABORACION Project, Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, European Regional Development Fund
- Period: From September 2015 to August 2018
Title: «Development of a new generation of advanced thermal insulating materials based on the production of nanocellular structures» («Desarrollo de una nueva generación de aislantes térmicos avanzados basados en la obtención de estructuras porosas nanocelulares»). VA035U13
- Project funding: Junta of Castile and Leon
- Period: From January 2013 to December 2015
Title: «Development of sub-microcellular and nanocellular plastics: production, structure, properties and potential applications («Desarrollo de plásticos sub-microcelulares y nanocelulares: fabricación, estructura, propiedades y potenciales aplicaciones»). MAT2012-34901
- Project funding: Materials National Plan, Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness
- Period: From January 2013 to December 2015
Title: «The Electric Vehicle revolution enabled by advanced materials highly hybridized into lightweight components for easy integration and dismantling providing a reduced life cycle cost» EVOLUTION. 314744
- Project funding: Seventh Framework Programme (7FP), European Commission
- Period: From December 2012 to October 2016
Title: «Tailored polypropylene based cellular nanocomposites: production, characterization and applications» («Nanocompuestos celulares en base polipropileno diseñados a medida: fabricación, caracterización y caplicaciones»). VA174A12-2
- Project funding: Junta of Castile and Leon
- Period: From January 2012 to December 2013
Title: «Valorization of polymeric residues in cementitious materials» CONREPOL («Valorización de residuos poliméricos en materiales cementicios»)
- Project funding: INNPACTO Programme, Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, European Regional Development Fund
- Period: From December 2011 to December 2013
Title: «Active and biodegradable packaging for fresh food» ACTIBIOPACK («Envasado activo y biodegradable para alimentos frescos»)
- Project funding: INNPACTO Programme, Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, European Regional Development Fund
- Period: From December 2011 to December 2014
Title: «Optimization system of networks for the transport of water» SENSOTUBO («Sistema de optimización de las redes destinadas al transporte de agua»)
- Project funding: INNPACTO Programme, Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, European Regional Development Fund
- Period: From December 2011 to December 2014
Title: «Production of water containers from renewable thermoplastic» BIOTELLA («Fabricación de envases para agua a partir de termoplástico renovable)»
- Project funding: INNPACTO Programme, Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation,
European Regional Development Fund
- Period: From October 2010 to September 2012
Title: «Advanced foams under microgravity»
- Project funding: European Space Agency (ESA)
- Period: From June 2010 to May 2013
Title: «New fabrication routes for plastic parts based on the production of microcellular materials by self-injection moulding (Nuevos procesos de fabricación de piezas de plástico basados en la obtención de materiales microcelulares mediante moldeo por autoinyección»)
- Project funding: INNOCASH Project, Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT)
- Period: From January 2010 to May 2012
Title: «New developments in the microcellular polymeric materials field: production, structure, properties, modelling and applications» («Nuevos desarrollos en el campo de los materiales poliméricos microcelulares: Fabricación, estructura, propiedades, modelización y aplicaciones»)
- Project funding: Materials National Plan, Spanish Ministry of Science and Education
- Period: From December 2009 to December 2012
Title: «Metal foaming under mechanical pressure» («Espumación de metales bajo presión mecánica»)
- Project funding: Integrated action with Technical University of Berlin
- Period: From January 2009 to December 2010
Title: «Microcellular nanocomposite for substitution of Balsa wood and PVC core material» NANCORE. 214148
- Project funding: Seventh Framework Programme (7FP), European Commission
- Period: From November 2008 to November 2012
Title: «Investigation in explosives» SEDUCE («Investigación en explosivos»)
- Project funding: CENIT Project, CDTI (Subcontracted by ISDEFE)
- Period: From October 2008 to October 2011
Title: «Investigation focused on the production of biodegradable foamed materials from polyhydroxybutyrate obtained from sugar beet «(«Investigación aplicada a la fabricación de materiales espumados biodegradables a partir de polihidroxibutarato extraído de la remolacha azucarera»)
- Project funding: PROFIT Programme, Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation
- Period: From October 2008 to May 2010
Title: «Development of fire retardant cellular nanocomposites: applications in building and automotive sectors» («Desarrollo de nanocompuestos celulares ignifugos: aplicaciones en los sectores de la construcción y la automoción»)
- Project funding: PROFIT Programme, Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation
- Period: From October 2008 to May 2010
Title: «Collaboration project Spain-Brazil»
- Project funding: Special actions of Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation
- Period: From May 2008 to May 2009
Title: «Adhesived conference» («Congreso adhesivos»)
- Project funding: Special actions of Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation
- Period: From May 2008 to May 2009
Title: «Development of new advanced cellular materials» («Desarrollo de nuevos materiales celulares avanzados»)
- Project funding: Junta of Castile and Leon: Group of Excellence GR39
- Period: From January 2008 to December 2010
Title: «Production and characterization of polypropylene based foams under controlled pressure conditions» («Fabricación y caracterización de espumas con base polipropileno en condiciones de presión controlada»)
- Project funding: Junta of Castile and Leon
- Period: From July 2007 to July 2010
Title: «Design, production, characterization, durability and applications of new open cell, microcellular polyolefin foams» («Diseño, fabricación, caracterización, durabilidad y aplicaciones de nuevas espumas de poliolefina de celdilla abierta y microcelulares»)
- Project funding: Materials National Plan, Spanish Ministry of Education and Science
- Period: From January 2007 to December 2009
Title: «Production of insulating materials for building applications from wastes of plastic foams with an industrial origin (phase 2)» («Obtención de materiales aislantes para construcción a partir de la reutilización de residuos de espumas plásticas de origen industrial (fase 2)»)
- Project funding: Economic Development Agency (ADE) of Castile and Leon
- Period: From September 2006 to June 2007
Title: «Study of the technical and environmental viability of the application of structural adhesives in aluminium foams joints for structural components in aircrafts» («Estudio de viabilidad técnica y medioambiental de aplicaciones de adhesivos estructurales en uniones de espumas de aluminio para componenentes estructurales en la fabricación de aeronaves»)
- Project funding: PROFIT Programme, Spanish Ministry of Education and Science
- Period: From October 2005 to March 2007
Title: «Production of insulating materials for building applications from wastes of plastic foams of industrial origin (phase 1)» («Obtención de materiales aislantes para construcción a partir de la reutilización de residuos de espumas plásticas de origen industrial (fase 1»))
- Project funding: Economic Development Agency (ADE) of Castile and Leon
- Period: From September 2005 to December 2006
Title: «Engineering and science network on adhesive» («Red de ingeniería y ciencia de adhesivos»)
- Project funding: Special actions of Spanish Ministry of Education and Science
- Period: From April 2005 to April 2006
Title: «Aluminium based foams: structure, properties and applications» («Espumas de aluminio: estructura, propiedades y aplicaciones»)
- Project funding: Special Actions of Spanish Ministry of Education and Science
- Period: From March 2005 to March 2006
Title: «Characterization and design of polyolefin based foams for energy absorption in impacts» («Caracterización y diseño de espumas de poliolefinas que requieran absorción de energía de impacto»)
- Project funding: Interministerial Commission of Science and Technology (CICYT), Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology
- Period: From December 2003 to November 2006
Title: «Structural aeronautical components based on metallic foams: design, production and testing» («Componentes estructurales aeronáuticos basados en espumas metálicas: diseño, fabricación y ensayo»)
- Project funding: Economic Development Agency (ADE) of Castile and Leon and PROFIT Programme, Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology
- Period: From May 2003 to February 2005
Title: «Design and optimization of the cellular structure in biomaterials of natural origin for biomedical applications» («Diseño y optimización de la estructura celular en biomateriales de origen natural en aplicaciones biomédicas»)
- Project funding: Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology
- Period: From January 2003 to December 2004
Title: «Design and characterization of new polyolefin based foams for acoustic absorption applications» («Diseño y caracterización de nuevas espumas con base poliolefina como absorbentes acústicos»). VA026/93
- Project funding: Junta of Castile and Leon
- Period: From January 2003 to December 2005
Title: «Development and characterization of metallic aluminium foams for structural applications»(«Desarrollo y caracterización de espumas metálicas de aluminio para aplicaciones Estructurales»). MAT-2002-04505-C02-01
- Project funding: Interministerial Commission of Science and Technology (CICYT), Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology
- Period: From October 2002 to October 2003
Title: «Physical properties of polyvinylchloride foams»(«Propiedades físicas de espumas de policloruro de vinilo»). VA37/00A
- Project funding: Junta of Castile and Leon
- Period: From January 2000 to January 2003
Title: «Design of polyolefin based foams» («Diseño de espumas poliméricas con base poliolefínica»). MAT 99-0979
- Project funding: Interministerial Commission of Science and Technology (CICYT), Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology
- Period: From December 1999 to December 2002
Title: «Polymer composites: rheological and crystallization characterization»). HTECH CRG 960974
- Project funding: North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
- Period: From July 1996 to July 1997